Selasa, 06 Desember 2022

Banding godev

 berikut caranya by surganda pada akun santri dakwah

Dear Google Play Team Thank you for sending us a notification on our application with the package name (com.Kumpulan.Puisi.Islami) and (com.Kultum.Terbaru.Islam) After reading and understanding about google play policies, we realized our mistake and we really regret this error and we promise not to repeat it again. In this precious opportunity, we would like to clarify what actually happened. We need to say that our application is not completely as stated in the notification. We have made the app very carefully and tried to follow the google play rules. The details of our application have been conveyed in the title and full description. Applications that we make only for educational purposes only. We have a great commitment to provide the best content for Google Play users, in this situation we ask for access again to improve our application and remove the violating content. Once again we really regret this situation and promise not to repeat it again Regrads (Santri Dakwah)


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